Thomas Reitmaier Research, Design, etc


a picture of Thomas Reitmaier

I am Lecturer in Computer Science and I work at the beautiful Computational Foundry at Swansea University with amazing colleagues and collaborators.

I am also Research Fellow at MASI1 where I lead on the international lablets programme that innovates ways of co-creating with marginalized communities in a world that has been profoundly shaped by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

Previously I was Post Doctoral Research Officer for UnMute, an interdisciplinary, EPSRC2 funded research project that creates novel, spoken language interaction opportunities with communities of minority language speakers who are currently digitally ‘unheard’. I also worked for the CHERISH Digital Economy Research Centre on a portfolio of applied, interdisciplinary research projects.

Throughout my career I draw on the skill-sets and sensibilities I developed during my PhD at the Centre in ICT for Development at the University of Cape Town: designing, developing, and evaluating new technologies that give everyday people better access, awareness, and control over the stuff that matters to them.

Most of my publications are available on this site, along with some occasional writing. My Curriculum Vitae has more detail, if you need it.


I’m currently focusing on refining and facilitating uptake of the UnMute Toolkit. Since starting my Lectureship, I am getting into the swing of things in the department and preparing for lecturing in January 2025.


Reading / Watching / Listening:

  1. The Morgan Advanced Studies Institute focuses on transformative interdisciplinary research to address the world’s most critical opportunities and challenges. MASI was launched by the First Minister of Wales in February 2021. ↩︎

  2. The Engineering and Physical Science Research Council is the main funding body for science/engineering research in the UK. It’s similar to the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the USA. ↩︎